"The harder I practice, the luckier I get!"

"The harder I practice the luckier I get"

Gary Player was once one of the top golfers in the world. Player’s famous quote, “The harder I practice the luckier I get” really does say it all. Or does it?

The key to success isn’t simply to practice. Many golfers hit a bucket of golf balls on the driving range each week without ever seeing any improvement in their game on the course.

To truly succeed you need to “deliberately practice”. For example, rather than simply swinging away at the driving range, you must set a goal of hitting your ball with a five-iron so that it lands 15 feet from the pin 90% of the time. Taking 200-300 swings, you need to monitor your results, make adjustments in your stance, grip and swing, and repeat during each daily practice session until you reach your specific goal. That’s what is known as “deliberate practice.”

It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to become successful in sport or in your USANA business, “deliberate practice” is the name of the game!

Thought for the day– Each and every day, get up and deliberately swing away at life!